modifier examples



General "formula" of a ship syntax:

Action,fleet(own or enemy),number of affected ships,class of affected ships,affected shiptypes,message shown in battle report,"n"/"p"

After you chose an action that should happen you have to give more details (only exception: if you use "f"(=fight)): Fleet: To chose the affected fleet you can use "self"(=your own fleet), "enemy"(=enemy fleet) or "both"(=both fleets)

Number of affected ships: Just type the number or "all"(=all ships)

Class of affected ships: You have to tell the class of the ships you want to affect. You can use "1"(=class 1), "2"(=class 2), "3"(=class 3), "4"(=class 4), "all"(=all classes), "this"(=the class your ship fights against)

Affected shiptype: Type in the name of the affected ships or type "all"(=any ship you fight against) or "itself"(=the fighting ship)

Message shown in battle report: The message will normally be shown in the battle report like this: "(your message) ... ships"

"n"/"p": At the end of each modifier there is a text that is shown in the battlereport. If there is a ",n" at the end then the text is NOT followed by the number of ships that were successfully affected (destroyed, shielded, reconstructed...). If there is a ",p" at the end then there follows a second text that is shown each time, also if there was no succsess. (there can also be ",pn" or ",np" which means both)

actions: If you have several actions, you have to seperate them with a | ("Alt Gr" + "<")

at the end of each modifier there is a text that is shown in the battlereport. if there is a ",n" at the end then the text is NOT followed by the number of ships that were successfully affected (destroyed, shielded, reconstructed...).
if there is a ",p" at the end then there follows a second text that is shown each time, also if there was no succsess.
(there can also be ",pn" or ",np" which means both)

the first element always states the action (f, create, steal...)
a modifier can have several statements which happen in the given order. here are some examples of the existing ships:


modify ships AP and/or LP by either a multiplikation (*) or an addition (substraction) of the AP and LP. this can also destroy ships.

addition/subtraction: +,added ap,added lp
example: modifies following ships by (+2/-1)
syntax: ...,+,2,-1,...

multiplication: *,multiplied ap, multiplied lp
example: modifies following ships by (*2/*1)
syntax: ...,*,2,1,...


Cru cruiser

f|mod,enemy,1,this,40,+,0,-10,torpedo-interception detected,n
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. modifies AP/LP by 0/-10 of 1 torpedo in the enemy fleet in the same class
    battlemessage: "torpedo-interception detected"
    (battle engine syntax: mod,enemy,1,this,torpedo,+,0,-10,torpedo-interception detected,n)
50 ships use this modifyer


creates one or more other ships (like missiles, battle drones but could also create fighters or sth. like that) and these ships appear in the specified class immediately with all their abilities


ClC cluster-cruiser

add,self,10,this,15,cluster-cruiser deployes|sd
  1. creates 10 battle-drones in your own fleet in the same class like this ship
    battlemessage: "cluster-cruiser deployes ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: create,self,10,this,battle-drone,cluster-cruiser deployes)
  2. self destructs!
    (battle engine syntax: sd)
21 ships use this modifyer


Reconstructs a ship. Reconstuction is only possible if a ship has 0 LP left. the last number (1) could be more, then it would reconstruct ships that have so much less than 0 LP.


Dom dominator

f|jam,enemy,2,this,dominator |reconst,enemy,10,2,all,10,time-anomaly causes the return of
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. jams 2 ships in the enemy fleet in the class it fights with and you get back the initiative
    battlemessage: "dominator jams ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: jam,enemy,2,this,dominator )
  3. reconstructs 10 ships of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in class 2 (technical LP +10 to ships that have less than 1 LP)
    battlemessage: "time-anomaly causes the return of ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: reconst,enemy,10,2,all,10,time-anomaly causes the return of )
7 ships use this modifyer


moves the targetcounter of the enemy to your next ship (if all your ships are shielded or destroyed your shielded ships will not reappear for the next classbattle)


SGn shield generator

shield,1,shield generated
tries to generate a shield around one ship in your fleet in the same class it is fighting
battlemessage: "shield generated"
(battle engine syntax: shield,1,shield generated)
 2 ships use this modifyer


destroys a ship and leaves it with 0 LP. (it is still reconstructable this way)


ACo armored corvette

f|trigger_hit@repair,self,all,unit repaired,n@mod,self,1,this,all,+,0,-0.4,richochet destroy
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. if this ship is hit it repairs the actual target ship of any ship-type in your fleet
    battlemessage: "unit repaired"
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_hit@repair,self,all,unit repaired,n@mod,self,1,this,all,+,0,-0.4,richochet destroy)
8 ships use this modifyer


destroys a ship and leaves it with -5000 LP (not reconstructable) but some ships/buildings are immune against 'destruct'


AmD armageddon device

kill,enemy,all,4,all|kill,self,all,4,all,armageddon device explodes,n|sd
  1. modifies LP by -5000 of all ships of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in class 4 but some ships and buildings are immune against this effect
    (battle engine syntax: kill,enemy,all,4,all)
  2. modifies LP by -5000 of all ships of any ship-type in your own fleet in class 4 but some ships and buildings are immune against this effect
    battlemessage: "armageddon device explodes"
    (battle engine syntax: kill,self,all,4,all,armageddon device explodes,n)
  3. self destructs!
    (battle engine syntax: sd)
5 ships use this modifyer


destroys a ship and leaves it with -5000 LP (not reconstructable) nearly no ship is immune against that


Kmk kamikaze

f|obliterate,self,2,this,all,kamikaze destroys|sd
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. modifies LP by -5000 of 2 ships of any ship-type in your own fleet in the same class, there are no known ships and buildings that survive this effect.
    battlemessage: "kamikaze destroys ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: obliterate,self,2,this,all,kamikaze destroys)
  3. self destructs!
    (battle engine syntax: sd)
10 ships use this modifyer


obliterates all other ships of its kind in its fleet (not reconstructable) nearly no ship is immune against that


Cmf commando-fighter

f|mod,self,all,1,all,*,2,1,commando fighter gives double firepower to|rogue,8|sd
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. multiplies AP/LP by 2/1 of all ships of any ship-type in your own fleet in class 1
    battlemessage: "commando fighter gives double firepower to ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: mod,self,all,1,all,*,2,1,commando fighter gives double firepower to)
  3. battle engine syntax: rogue,8
  4. self destructs!
    (battle engine syntax: sd)
6 ships use this modifyer


recycles the ship like back home in the shipyard. the target is removed from the battle but nobody wins or looses points for it


Png penguin

  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. after the fight of each subbattle of your class 4, but only once (if there are more ships doing the same effect) it recycles all penguins in your own fleet in class 1, the targets are removed from the fight, but no points are won or lost.
    (battle engine syntax: event_once,4,recycle,self,all,1,penguin)
3 ships use this modifyer


repairs your ship that is the actual target of your enemy in your fleet back to full lifepoints (AP stay like they are)


ACo armored corvette

f|trigger_hit@repair,self,all,unit repaired,n@mod,self,1,this,all,+,0,-0.4,richochet destroy
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. if this ship is hit it repairs the actual target ship of any ship-type in your fleet
    battlemessage: "unit repaired"
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_hit@repair,self,all,unit repaired,n@mod,self,1,this,all,+,0,-0.4,richochet destroy)
3 ships use this modifyer


this function shuffles the battleorder of the selected class in the selected fleet, so the ships that did not shoot jet are organized in a new random order. Note: this is only useful, if you have created ships and you want to change the battle order that way, that they do not shoot all in one row. Or if this ship is modifying ships and you want to assure, that there is another ship modified every time and not only one ship all the time.

This also is a solution tor the problem, that ships always are created directly after the creating ship (or at the start of class 2), so without shuffle the new ships shoot next (for example the warcruiser creates a torpedo and the torpedo shoots next). Also the mine deployer needs this because otherwise all mines would explode in one row and just destroy each other. With shuffle it modifies a random ships each time


CCM c-cannon-module

mod,self,1,3,17,+,70,0,c-cannon-module is mounted on|shuffle,self,3
  1. modifies AP/LP by +70/0 of 1 c-cannon-platform in your own fleet in class 3
    battlemessage: "c-cannon-module is mounted on ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: mod,self,1,3,c-cannon-platform,+,70,0,c-cannon-module is mounted on)
  2. shuffles all ships in your class 3 that still did not fight
    (battle engine syntax: shuffle,self,3)
4 ships use this modifyer


jams a ship, this means, the enemy ship is treated as if it had already shot and you have the initiative back


EmF emp-fighter

  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. jams 1 ship in the enemy fleet in the class it fights with and you get back the initiative
    battlemessage: "EMP-fighter jams ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: jam,enemy,1,this,EMP-fighter)
15 ships use this modifyer




AmD armageddon device

kill,enemy,all,4,all|kill,self,all,4,all,armageddon device explodes,n|sd
  1. modifies LP by -5000 of all ships of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in class 4 but some ships and buildings are immune against this effect
    (battle engine syntax: kill,enemy,all,4,all)
  2. modifies LP by -5000 of all ships of any ship-type in your own fleet in class 4 but some ships and buildings are immune against this effect
    battlemessage: "armageddon device explodes"
    (battle engine syntax: kill,self,all,4,all,armageddon device explodes,n)
  3. self destructs!
    (battle engine syntax: sd)
30 ships use this modifyer


destroys already damaged ships in the specified class and fleet (like the bounty hunter)


Bth bounty hunter

blast,enemy,1,this,all,bounty hunter blasts
destroys 1 already damaged ship of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the class it is fighting with
battlemessage: "bounty hunter blasts ... ships"
(battle engine syntax: blast,enemy,1,this,all,bounty hunter blasts)
 1 ships use this modifyer


clones the enemy ship that is the actual target


HCS holo-clone-ship

clone,clone-ship clones
clones the enemy ship that is the actual target
battlemessage: "clone-ship clones ... ships"
(battle engine syntax: clone,clone-ship clones)
 2 ships use this modifyer


steals the enemy ship that is the actual target


PiS pirate ship

steal,pirate-ship boards,n
steals the enemy ship that is the actual target
battlemessage: "pirate-ship boards"
(battle engine syntax: steal,pirate-ship boards,n)
 1 ships use this modifyer


with this option the ship will continue shooting until it is destroyed. note: this modifier should be used with care, cause it can have unpredictable loop-effects


KFi kaleidoscope fighter

  1. fights until it is shot
    (battle engine syntax: beserk)
  2. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
4 ships use this modifyer


ends the actual class battle


RtF retreat fighter

sd,retreat fighter instructs the retreat of class 1,n|retreat
  1. self destructs!
    battlemessage: "retreat fighter instructs the retreat of class 1"
    (battle engine syntax: sd,retreat fighter instructs the retreat of class 1,n)
  2. ends the actual class battle
    (battle engine syntax: retreat)
2 ships use this modifyer


disables all abilities of the specified ships (for example a mine deployer does not deploy its mine anymore)
no ships use this modifyer

Example: disable,75;53;57;50;21;6,disable ship affects of all bounty hunters and all holo-clone-ships and all mine-deployers and all missile-launchers and all multi-emp-vessels and all cruisers,n
battle engine syntax: disable,75;53;57;50;21;6,disable ship affects of all bounty hunters and all holo-clone-ships and all mine-deployers and all missile-launchers and all multi-emp-vessels and all cruisers,n


this only happens at the end of the whole battle. the ship becomes the new ship.


Car carrier

  1. at the end of battle it evolves into 250 nano bombers (0/1)
    (battle engine syntax: evolve,nano bomber,0,1,250,)
  2. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
2 ships use this modifyer


All your ships that survived so far start for another shoot (your counter is set back to your first ship). Note: this modifier should be used with care, cause it can have unpredictable loop-effects


CSh campaign ship

f|sd|restart,self,campaign ship distracts the fleet.
all remaining ships reassemble for another strike after|rogue,126
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. self destructs!
    (battle engine syntax: sd)
  3. lets all ships in your fleet fight again, that were not destroyed
    battlemessage: "campaign ship distracts the fleet.
    all remaining ships reassemble for another strike after ... ships"

    (battle engine syntax: restart,self,campaign ship distracts the fleet.
    all remaining ships reassemble for another strike after)
  4. battle engine syntax: rogue,126
2 ships use this modifyer


The following modifier only is execuded if the target ships has less/more/equal mp/lp/ap than a specific value. if the targeted ship has less/more/equal the selected value the rest of the modifier will not be executed.
no ships use this modifyer

Example: select,[ship_attribute],[less/more/equal],[value]|rest of modifier
  1. battle engine syntax: select,[ship_attribute],[less/more/equal],[value]
  2. battle engine syntax: rest of modifier


with this modifier the ship cannot be reconstructed


CrP chrono pod

f|trigger_destruction@event_single,5,add,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n|trigger_destroy@event_single,5,add,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n|trigger_kill@event_single,5,add,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n|trigger_obli@event_single,5,add,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n|trigger_0_multiply@|trigger_0_rec@|trigger_0_rcy
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. if this ship gets destroyed by direct firepower it after the fight of the first subbattle of your class 5 it creates 1 itself in the enemy fleet in the class it belongs and the created ship will stay in that fleet after battle.
    battlemessage: "crono-pods stolen"
    (battle engine syntax: event_single,5,create,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n)
  3. if this ship gets destroyed by a 'destroy' effect it after the fight of the first subbattle of your class 5 it creates 1 itself in the enemy fleet in the class it belongs and the created ship will stay in that fleet after battle.
    battlemessage: "crono-pods stolen"
    (battle engine syntax: event_single,5,create,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n)
  4. if this ship gets destroyed by a 'kill' effect it after the fight of the first subbattle of your class 5 it creates 1 itself in the enemy fleet in the class it belongs and the created ship will stay in that fleet after battle.
    battlemessage: "crono-pods stolen"
    (battle engine syntax: event_single,5,create,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n)
  5. if this ship gets obliterated it after the fight of the first subbattle of your class 5 it creates 1 itself in the enemy fleet in the class it belongs and the created ship will stay in that fleet after battle.
    battlemessage: "crono-pods stolen"
    (battle engine syntax: event_single,5,create,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n)
  6. cannot be modified by any factor
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_multiply)
  7. cannot be reconstructed
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_rec)
  8. battle engine syntax: trigger_0_rcy
1 ships use this modifyer


with this modifier the ship cannot be destroyed


ID33 shipyard

  1. is immune against the kill effect
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_kill)
  2. is immune against the destruction effect
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_destroy)
7 ships use this modifyer


with this modifier the ship cannot be killed


ID33 shipyard

  1. is immune against the kill effect
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_kill)
  2. is immune against the destruction effect
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_destroy)
5 ships use this modifyer


with this modifier the ship cannot be obliterated


ASp apostate sphere

obliterate,enemy,all,this,all,apostate shere destroyed,p,the end|trigger_0_destroy@|trigger_0_obli@|trigger_0_kill@|trigger_-_jam@
  1. modifies LP by -5000 of all ships of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the same class, there are no known ships and buildings that survive this effect.
    battlemessage: "the end"
    and: "apostate shere destroyed ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: obliterate,enemy,all,this,all,apostate shere destroyed,p,the end)
  2. is immune against the destruction effect
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_destroy)
  3. cannot be obliterated
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_obli)
  4. is immune against the kill effect
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_kill)
  5. if the ship is jammed, the initiative will not go back to the enemy immediately
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_-_jam)
1 ships use this modifyer


with this modifier the ship cannot be modified by multiplication


HSp habitat sphere

  1. fights until it is shot
    (battle engine syntax: beserk)
  2. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  3. is immune against the destruction effect
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_destroy)
  4. cannot be modified by any factor
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_multiply)
3 ships use this modifyer


with this modifier the ship cannot be modified (+ or -)


BRu blockade runner

  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. cannot be modified by + or -
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_plus)
  3. is immune against the destruction effect
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_destroy)
2 ships use this modifyer


if the ship is jammed, the initiative will not go back to the enemy


ASp apostate sphere

obliterate,enemy,all,this,all,apostate shere destroyed,p,the end|trigger_0_destroy@|trigger_0_obli@|trigger_0_kill@|trigger_-_jam@
  1. modifies LP by -5000 of all ships of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the same class, there are no known ships and buildings that survive this effect.
    battlemessage: "the end"
    and: "apostate shere destroyed ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: obliterate,enemy,all,this,all,apostate shere destroyed,p,the end)
  2. is immune against the destruction effect
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_destroy)
  3. cannot be obliterated
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_obli)
  4. is immune against the kill effect
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_kill)
  5. if the ship is jammed, the initiative will not go back to the enemy immediately
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_-_jam)
1 ships use this modifyer


this adds a trigger to the ship, that causes an action you can define later, that would happen right after the ship was hit by the firepower of an enemy ship


ACo armored corvette

f|trigger_hit@repair,self,all,unit repaired,n@mod,self,1,this,all,+,0,-0.4,richochet destroy
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. if this ship is hit it repairs the actual target ship of any ship-type in your fleet
    battlemessage: "unit repaired"
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_hit@repair,self,all,unit repaired,n@mod,self,1,this,all,+,0,-0.4,richochet destroy)
10 ships use this modifyer


this adds a trigger to the ship, that causes an action you can define later, that would happen right after the ship was hit by the firepower of an enemy ship and destroyed this way


NCr natal-cruiser

f|mod,enemy,1,this,104,*,0,0,natal feedback interference destroyed |trigger_destruction@add,self,1,this,104,natal-cruiser reassembles to another natal-cruiser,n
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. multiplies AP/LP by 0/0 of 1 natal-cruiser in the enemy fleet in the same class
    battlemessage: "natal feedback interference destroyed ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: mod,enemy,1,this,natal-cruiser,*,0,0,natal feedback interference destroyed )
  3. if this ship gets destroyed by direct firepower it creates 1 natal-cruiser in your own fleet in the same class like this ship
    battlemessage: "natal-cruiser reassembles to another natal-cruiser"
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_destruction@create,self,1,this,natal-cruiser,natal-cruiser reassembles to another natal-cruiser,n)
5 ships use this modifyer


this adds a trigger to the ship, that causes an action you can define later, that would happen right after the ship was destroyed by a 'destroy' effect


Eor evaporator

f|trigger_plus@kill,enemy,1,this,all,evaporator destroys|trigger_destroy@kill,enemy,1,this,all,evaporator destroys
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. if this ships LP or AP are increased or decreased it modifies LP by -5000 of 1 ship of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the same class but some ships and buildings are immune against this effect
    battlemessage: "evaporator destroys ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_plus@kill,enemy,1,this,all,evaporator destroys)
  3. if this ship gets destroyed by a 'destroy' effect it modifies LP by -5000 of 1 ship of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the same class but some ships and buildings are immune against this effect
    battlemessage: "evaporator destroys ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_destroy@kill,enemy,1,this,all,evaporator destroys)
2 ships use this modifyer


this adds a trigger to the ship, that causes an action you can define later, that would happen right after the ship was destroyed by a 'kill' effect


CrP chrono pod

f|trigger_destruction@event_single,5,add,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n|trigger_destroy@event_single,5,add,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n|trigger_kill@event_single,5,add,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n|trigger_obli@event_single,5,add,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n|trigger_0_multiply@|trigger_0_rec@|trigger_0_rcy
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. if this ship gets destroyed by direct firepower it after the fight of the first subbattle of your class 5 it creates 1 itself in the enemy fleet in the class it belongs and the created ship will stay in that fleet after battle.
    battlemessage: "crono-pods stolen"
    (battle engine syntax: event_single,5,create,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n)
  3. if this ship gets destroyed by a 'destroy' effect it after the fight of the first subbattle of your class 5 it creates 1 itself in the enemy fleet in the class it belongs and the created ship will stay in that fleet after battle.
    battlemessage: "crono-pods stolen"
    (battle engine syntax: event_single,5,create,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n)
  4. if this ship gets destroyed by a 'kill' effect it after the fight of the first subbattle of your class 5 it creates 1 itself in the enemy fleet in the class it belongs and the created ship will stay in that fleet after battle.
    battlemessage: "crono-pods stolen"
    (battle engine syntax: event_single,5,create,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n)
  5. if this ship gets obliterated it after the fight of the first subbattle of your class 5 it creates 1 itself in the enemy fleet in the class it belongs and the created ship will stay in that fleet after battle.
    battlemessage: "crono-pods stolen"
    (battle engine syntax: event_single,5,create,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n)
  6. cannot be modified by any factor
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_multiply)
  7. cannot be reconstructed
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_rec)
  8. battle engine syntax: trigger_0_rcy
1 ships use this modifyer


this adds a trigger to the ship, that causes an action you can define later, that would happen right after the ship was destroyed by an 'obliterate' effect


CrP chrono pod

f|trigger_destruction@event_single,5,add,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n|trigger_destroy@event_single,5,add,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n|trigger_kill@event_single,5,add,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n|trigger_obli@event_single,5,add,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n|trigger_0_multiply@|trigger_0_rec@|trigger_0_rcy
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. if this ship gets destroyed by direct firepower it after the fight of the first subbattle of your class 5 it creates 1 itself in the enemy fleet in the class it belongs and the created ship will stay in that fleet after battle.
    battlemessage: "crono-pods stolen"
    (battle engine syntax: event_single,5,create,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n)
  3. if this ship gets destroyed by a 'destroy' effect it after the fight of the first subbattle of your class 5 it creates 1 itself in the enemy fleet in the class it belongs and the created ship will stay in that fleet after battle.
    battlemessage: "crono-pods stolen"
    (battle engine syntax: event_single,5,create,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n)
  4. if this ship gets destroyed by a 'kill' effect it after the fight of the first subbattle of your class 5 it creates 1 itself in the enemy fleet in the class it belongs and the created ship will stay in that fleet after battle.
    battlemessage: "crono-pods stolen"
    (battle engine syntax: event_single,5,create,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n)
  5. if this ship gets obliterated it after the fight of the first subbattle of your class 5 it creates 1 itself in the enemy fleet in the class it belongs and the created ship will stay in that fleet after battle.
    battlemessage: "crono-pods stolen"
    (battle engine syntax: event_single,5,create,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n)
  6. cannot be modified by any factor
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_multiply)
  7. cannot be reconstructed
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_rec)
  8. battle engine syntax: trigger_0_rcy
1 ships use this modifyer


this adds a trigger to the ship, that causes an action you can define later, that would happen right after the ship was jammed


Ret retraitor

f|trigger_jam@mod,enemy,2,this,all,+,0,-1100,retrator destroys
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. if this ship is jammed it modifies AP/LP by 0/-1100 of 2 ships of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the same class
    battlemessage: "retrator destroys ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_jam@mod,enemy,2,this,all,+,0,-1100,retrator destroys)
1 ships use this modifyer


this adds a trigger to the ship, that causes an action you can define later, that would happen right after the ship was reconstructed


MiR minor reconstructor

reconst,self,100,1,all,1,reconstructor reactivates in class 1:|reconst,self,10,2,all,1,reconstructor reactivates in class 2:|rogue,46|trigger_rec@sd,minor reconstructor destroyed by interference
  1. reconstructs 100 ships of any ship-type in your fleet in class 1 (technical LP +1 to ships that have less than 1 LP)
    battlemessage: "reconstructor reactivates in class 1: ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: reconst,self,100,1,all,1,reconstructor reactivates in class 1:)
  2. reconstructs 10 ships of any ship-type in your fleet in class 2 (technical LP +1 to ships that have less than 1 LP)
    battlemessage: "reconstructor reactivates in class 2: ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: reconst,self,10,2,all,1,reconstructor reactivates in class 2:)
  3. battle engine syntax: rogue,46
  4. if this ship is reconstructed it self destructs!
    battlemessage: "minor reconstructor destroyed by interference ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_rec@sd,minor reconstructor destroyed by interference)
1 ships use this modifyer


this adds a trigger to the ship, that causes an action you can define later, that would happen right after the ship was modified (both + and -)


Eor evaporator

f|trigger_plus@kill,enemy,1,this,all,evaporator destroys|trigger_destroy@kill,enemy,1,this,all,evaporator destroys
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. if this ships LP or AP are increased or decreased it modifies LP by -5000 of 1 ship of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the same class but some ships and buildings are immune against this effect
    battlemessage: "evaporator destroys ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_plus@kill,enemy,1,this,all,evaporator destroys)
  3. if this ship gets destroyed by a 'destroy' effect it modifies LP by -5000 of 1 ship of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the same class but some ships and buildings are immune against this effect
    battlemessage: "evaporator destroys ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_destroy@kill,enemy,1,this,all,evaporator destroys)
2 ships use this modifyer


this adds a trigger to the ship, that causes an action you can define later, that would happen right after the ship was modified by any factor


Roa roach

f|trigger_plus@jam,enemy,4,3,cucaracha jams|trigger_multiply@jam,enemy,4,3,cucaracha jams
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. if this ships LP or AP are increased or decreased it jams 4 ships in the enemy fleet in class 3 and you get back the initiative
    battlemessage: "cucaracha jams jams ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_plus@jam,enemy,4,3,cucaracha jams)
  3. if this ships LP or AP get multiplied it jams 4 ships in the enemy fleet in class 3 and you get back the initiative
    battlemessage: "cucaracha jams jams ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_multiply@jam,enemy,4,3,cucaracha jams)
1 ships use this modifyer


this adds a trigger to the ship, that causes an action you can define later, that happens if the ship is repaired
no ships use this modifyer


this option defines the following modifier to happen after each classbattle of a certain class


BaD battle-drone

  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. after the fight of each subbattle of your class 3 it modifies AP/LP by 0/-1100 of all battle-drones in your own fleet in class 3
    (battle engine syntax: event,3,mod,self,all,3,battle-drone,+,0,-1100)
5 ships use this modifyer


this option defines the following modifier to happen after the last classbattle of a certain class, but only once


TrM troika module

  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. after the fight of each subbattle of your class 2, but only once (if there are more ships doing the same effect) it modifies LP by -5000 of all troika modules in your own fleet in class 2, there are no known ships and buildings that survive this effect.
    (battle engine syntax: event_once,2,obliterate,self,all,2,troika module)
3 ships use this modifyer


this option defines the following modifier to happen after the last classbattle of a certain class


CrP chrono pod

f|trigger_destruction@event_single,5,add,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n|trigger_destroy@event_single,5,add,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n|trigger_kill@event_single,5,add,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n|trigger_obli@event_single,5,add,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n|trigger_0_multiply@|trigger_0_rec@|trigger_0_rcy
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. if this ship gets destroyed by direct firepower it after the fight of the first subbattle of your class 5 it creates 1 itself in the enemy fleet in the class it belongs and the created ship will stay in that fleet after battle.
    battlemessage: "crono-pods stolen"
    (battle engine syntax: event_single,5,create,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n)
  3. if this ship gets destroyed by a 'destroy' effect it after the fight of the first subbattle of your class 5 it creates 1 itself in the enemy fleet in the class it belongs and the created ship will stay in that fleet after battle.
    battlemessage: "crono-pods stolen"
    (battle engine syntax: event_single,5,create,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n)
  4. if this ship gets destroyed by a 'kill' effect it after the fight of the first subbattle of your class 5 it creates 1 itself in the enemy fleet in the class it belongs and the created ship will stay in that fleet after battle.
    battlemessage: "crono-pods stolen"
    (battle engine syntax: event_single,5,create,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n)
  5. if this ship gets obliterated it after the fight of the first subbattle of your class 5 it creates 1 itself in the enemy fleet in the class it belongs and the created ship will stay in that fleet after battle.
    battlemessage: "crono-pods stolen"
    (battle engine syntax: event_single,5,create,enemy,1,stay,itself,crono-pods stolen,n)
  6. cannot be modified by any factor
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_multiply)
  7. cannot be reconstructed
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_0_rec)
  8. battle engine syntax: trigger_0_rcy
1 ships use this modifyer



PFl pirate flagship

f|cloak,self,1,pirate flagship ignites its cloakingdevice
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. after the battle it cloakes your fleet
    battlemessage: "pirate flagship ignites its cloakingdevice"
    (battle engine syntax: cloak,self,1,pirate flagship ignites its cloakingdevice)
1 ships use this modifyer



Dom dominator

f|jam,enemy,2,this,dominator |reconst,enemy,10,2,all,10,time-anomaly causes the return of
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. jams 2 ships in the enemy fleet in the class it fights with and you get back the initiative
    battlemessage: "dominator jams ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: jam,enemy,2,this,dominator )
  3. reconstructs 10 ships of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in class 2 (technical LP +10 to ships that have less than 1 LP)
    battlemessage: "time-anomaly causes the return of ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: reconst,enemy,10,2,all,10,time-anomaly causes the return of )
1 ships use this modifyer



PFr parasite frigate

f|mod,enemy,5,this,1,+,5,5,frigate|manipulate,enemy,5,this,1,~sd|mod,enemy,10,this,all,+,0,-1,frigate shot
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. modifies AP/LP by +5/+5 of 5 fighters in the enemy fleet in the same class
    battlemessage: "frigate ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: mod,enemy,5,this,fighter,+,5,5,frigate)
  3. battle engine syntax: manipulate,enemy,5,this,1,~sd
  4. modifies AP/LP by 0/-1 of 10 ships of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the same class
    battlemessage: "frigate shot ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: mod,enemy,10,this,all,+,0,-1,frigate shot)
1 ships use this modifyer


obliterates all other ships of its kind in its fleet (not reconstructable) nearly no ship is immune against that


Cmf commando-fighter

f|mod,self,all,1,all,*,2,1,commando fighter gives double firepower to|rogue,8|sd
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. multiplies AP/LP by 2/1 of all ships of any ship-type in your own fleet in class 1
    battlemessage: "commando fighter gives double firepower to ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: mod,self,all,1,all,*,2,1,commando fighter gives double firepower to)
  3. battle engine syntax: rogue,8
  4. self destructs!
    (battle engine syntax: sd)
6 ships use this modifyer

here is an example how the 'select' would work:

titanium destroyer:
this is a forgotten modified destroyer. built in the hotphase of the humans by the e-ray, it was used to defend their borders. it was given it a extra strong titan coating which gave the defender more endurance and made it impossible to jam in battle. sadly the coating gives the ship more weight which makes it an easy target for class 1 and class 3 ships.

  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. battle engine syntax: select,shipclass,equal,2
  3. reduces LP to 0 of itself in your own fleet in class 2 but some ships are immune against destruction
    (battle engine syntax: destroy,self,500,2,itself)

additionally there is a trigger modifier:

triggered events:
These are actions that happen if another event happened, for example a ship that explodes if it is jammed, or it gets +1/+1 if it is reconstructed, or it destroys two enemy ships if it is destroyed.....

Possible events:
trigger_jam if this ship is jammed
trigger_rec if this ship is reconstructed
trigger_plus if this ships LP or AP are increased or decreased
trigger_blast if this ship is hit by a blast-ship
trigger_hit if this ship is hit
trigger_destruction if this ship gets destroyed
trigger_multiply if this ships LP or AP get multiplied

the triggered effects are added for example like this:
this ship would destroy two enemy ships if it gets jammed