basic research
holo-fleet-carrier (class 1 ship)
Equipped with a holo projector, that materializes a whole fleet with ships of all classes.
(50 fighters, 10 destroyers, 1 cruiser and 1 mothership) the holoprojections all have an attack and defense of 0/1. This class 4 ship acts in class one

Attack/life: 0/10
Manpower: 45

Researchtime: 2 d
Buildingtime: 12 h

Needed research:
holo technology

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mine-deployer (class 1 ship)
This ship deploys a mine (0/1) between the enemy ships of class 2 that deals 10 damage to an enemy ship.

Attack/life: 0/1
Manpower: 4

Researchtime: 1 d
Buildingtime: 10 h

Needed research:
improved targeting

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holo-generator (class 1 ship)
This ships creates 10 holo cruisers (0/1) in the enemy class 3 and 1 holo mothership (0/1) in the enemy class 4

Attack/life: 0/2
Manpower: 25

Researchtime: 1 d
Buildingtime: 12 h

Needed research:
science recycle methods

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graze reactor (class 2 ship)
Breeds up to 7 grazers (7/10) until it gets shot. (caution! self destruction!)

Attack/life: 0/10
Manpower: 20

Researchtime: 2 d
Buildingtime: 12 h

Needed research:
improved computer technology

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HQ invader
HQ invader (class 2 ship)
This ship carries 120 capture the flag troopers

Attack/life: 0/10
Manpower: 150

Researchtime: 1 d
Buildingtime: 12 h

Needed research:

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alliance-invader (class 2 ship)
This ship carries 10 spy-troopers that will use their own landing vessels to reach the surface

Attack/life: 0/10
Manpower: 6

Researchtime: 1 d
Buildingtime: 12 h

Needed research:
dark tactics

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com-invader (class 2 ship)
This ship carries 10 com-troopers that will use their own landing vessels to reach the surface

Attack/life: 0/10
Manpower: 6

Researchtime: 1 d
Buildingtime: 12 h

Needed research:
dark tactics

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commando carrier (class 2 ship)
Releases 3 commando fighters into your fleet for the next battle

Attack/life: 5/10
Manpower: 46

Researchtime: 1 d
Buildingtime: 12 h

Needed research:

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fleets-invader (class 2 ship)
This ship carries 10 comando-troopers that will use their own landing vessels to reach the surface

Attack/life: 0/10
Manpower: 6

Researchtime: 1 d
Buildingtime: 12 h

Needed research:
dark tactics

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missile-launcher (class 2 ship)
A destroyer with a missile-launcher that shoots a missile (17/1) into class 3

Attack/life: 0/10
Manpower: 10

Researchtime: 1 d
Buildingtime: 14 h

Needed research:
improved targeting

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probe-invader (class 2 ship)
This ship carries 10 probe-troopers that will use their own landing vessels to reach the surface

Attack/life: 0/10
Manpower: 6

Researchtime: 1 d
Buildingtime: 12 h

Needed research:
dark tactics

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production-invader (class 2 ship)
This ship carries 10 production-troopers that will use their own landing vessels to reach the surface

Attack/life: 0/10
Manpower: 6

Researchtime: 1 d
Buildingtime: 12 h

Needed research:
dark tactics

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troika (class 2 ship)
Splits itself into 3 troika modules

Attack/life: 0/10
Manpower: 16

Researchtime: 2 h
Buildingtime: 12 h

Needed research:
nano technology

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sporogenator (class 2 ship)
Releases 3 sporators for the next battle

Attack/life: 4/5
Manpower: 25

Researchtime: 3 d
Buildingtime: 12 h

Needed research:
science recycle methods

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cluster-cruiser (class 3 ship)
This ship deploys 10 battledrones. These battle drones are 1/1 fighters that are destroyed at the end of the class-combat. (caution! self destruction!)

Attack/life: 0/60
Manpower: 40

Researchtime: 2 d
Buildingtime: 12 h

Needed research:
nano technology

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plague ship
plague ship (class 3 ship)
Emits a carrier wave that transmits nano viruses into the enemy fleet which cause the infected ships to self destruct in the next battle. So after the battle, there will be 100 class 1, 10 class 2 and one class 3 nano virusses in the enemy fleet. With large amounts of viruses up to half the fleet can be destroyed

Attack/life: 50/200
Manpower: 120

Researchtime: 2 d
Buildingtime: 16 h

Needed research:
nano technology

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warcruiser (class 3 ship)
A cruiser with a powerful torpedo-launcher. The torpedo causes 180 damage-points. The warcruiser is ineffective against standard cruisers.

Attack/life: 0/200
Manpower: 100

Researchtime: 2 h
Buildingtime: 14 h

Needed research:
improved targeting

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chrono pod
chrono pod (class 3 ship)
This is a special prepared tanker that locks itself onto a warp capable ship with a tractor beam. It is capable of transporting chrono-matter, which is used to speed up production, research and space travel. It is very fragile. This is the winning condition in Spacetrace: collect as many Chrono Pods as you can and station them in your base.

Chrono-matter is harvested from the chrono mine which can be placed by any player who has at least one trooper stationed there.
The Chrono Pod can be evacuated only by the player who build the chrono mine.
If a colony is conquered all chrono mines are destroyed, the Chrono Pods are conquered!
If a Chrono Pod in a fleet gets shot it will be captured by the player who shot it.
You are free to trade Chrono Pods. just let them be shot by someone else.

Attack/life: 0/10

Buildingtime: 0

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